Friday, April 8, 2011

Ally says...

Ally: I LOVE YOU MISS APRIL! *As she runs to give me a hug*

Ally: You have a mole!
Me: It's called a beauty mark!
Ally: *laughs* Where you get it?
Me: Well, right after I was born, I got it.
Me: Noooo!!! lol

Ally: What's this one called? *Talking about Spongebob*
Me: Oh, I forgot to look! *Rewinds* It's called Fancy Pants!
Ally: Ohhh that's nice. (:

Ally: What's your boy name?
Me: ? Well, my name was gonna be Tristan if I was a boy.
Ally: Tristan?
Me: Yep, Tristan Drake.
Ally: *whispers* Trusstan Crake...

Little lady in her pj's, eating bologna. haha

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