Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 7: My Dreams

Since this can go 2 ways, like real dreams or dreams for my life, I'll address both of them

Dear Dreams,

When I get to see you on some of those nights (the good dreams), I wish it'd never end. I seriously wish I could record you and watch you again later on...just to see what really happened. I wonder if you're trying to tell me something. Maybe the Lord's way of letting us know how our lives are going to work out or something. I wish I knew. As long as you are good, and not considered a nightmare, I can't wait to see you later on. Maybe tonight! (: haha.

As for the dreams for my life....I sure wish you would happen now. I am not known for my patience I don't guess, so I can't wait for my dreams to work out. The Holyghost, Falling in love, Marriage, Children, a happy life in general...those are my dreams. And I pray that one day, you will finally happen for me.


Oh and if you didn't know, I have another blog called April's Year in Photos where I use one picture from my day. every day. for a year. Yeah. lol So you should probably check that out and you can follow me there too! (:

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