Monday, January 31, 2011

My Fantabulous Weekend...Again!

 Friday Night

Friday night around 6 we headed to Huntsville to meet up with some of our friends. Shelby, Blake and Me met at JK's house with Ross and JK to jump in the truck with them and head to Longhorn Steakhouse. After we got there, had a fifteen minute wait, and ate, we went to Target/Starbucks. I got my first Skinny Carmel Macchiato and then we just hung around Target. It was actually quite fun. After we left, we went to Bailey's house to play Phase 10 and hang out. We had a magnificent time! (: Me and Shelby stayed the night with Bailey and had "girl talk" til SEVEN IN THE MORNING (our time). I was sooo tired the next day...and it was a full day at that...

Riding to Longhorn with 2 of the best people ever!

Piggy Back Rides in Target. haha


Saturday we got up around 10 and went to the park! We played on the swings and took a bunch of pictures with the ducks and by the pond. It was such a gorgeous day! So then we decided to play Phase 10 on the picnic tables (: After that, we went to Wings to eat! It was sooo good!  We had to get on home so we said our goodbye's to JK, took Bailey back home, and was on the road again. We had decided that we were going to go to Dalton's singing so after the hour and a half drive home, the singing had already started and we had to get ready and get to hour and fifteen minute drive. So we stopped by Shelby's got her clothes and went to our house. We rolled Shelby's hair, freshened up and got out to the car again in about 20 minutes. On the road...AGAIN. We were over an hour late to the singing...we got there as the last group of the first half was singing their last couple of songs. But man was it worth it. I had an absolute BLAST hanging out with Shaun and Shelby second half. Do you know how hard it is not to laugh with those 2 around? Well...very hard obviously, cause I couldn't do it no matter how hard I tried. lol Anyways, after the singing me and Blake headed home (Shelby rode back with another group of people). Surprisingly we got home around 12 and I got some much needed sleep! 


Sunday morning I got up about 8, cooked breakfast and started getting ready to go to Rising Fawn to see some of our friends. We got outta church around 1 something I think and went to Dolan's mother's house and ate. We stayed there til about 10 after 4 and went to church. After church at the BC we went and ate at Lalito's with some friends..and played a cheating filled game of Phase 10. (:

Day 14: Someone You've Drifted Away From

Dear friends from high school,

The majority of you, I hardly see. So yes, we've drifted apart. But I would love to talk to you and get closer to you again. I have a pretty busy life on weekends...but maybe sometime we can hang out. I still love ya'll.


Day 13: Someone You Wish Could Forgive You

Dear Whoever Thinks I've Hurt You,

I'm sorry for whatever I've done that has upset you. I'm sure I didn't do it on purpose. I usually try and be as nice as possible. So could you please forgive me? (:

Sincerely, April

Day 12: Person you dislike most/caused you the most pain

Dear (He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named),

Hm...I don't really know why I even think of you anymore. I don't know why I even care. I guess just because you caused me the most pain I have had yet in my life. You lead me on for TWO YEARS. I know, it was dumb of me to let you. But I was young and, yes, ignorant. Oh well. Maybe it was for the best. I hope you're happy with your life. Maybe you don't regret how you acted..I honestly hope you don't. Have a good life, cause I am.


Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 11: A Deceased Person You Wish You Could Talk To

Dear Aunt Betty,

Wow. It's so hard to believe that you've been gone for almost 5 years... it took me so long to realize you weren't coming back. I remember one day looking at the pictures from when you and grandmother and all the sisters went to Ireland and it hit weren't coming back. I bawled like a baby that day. You were such a huge influence on me. You were always trying to help me to lose weight and be the best I can be. I appreciate that. I feel like you'd be very proud of me today. Almost 100 pounds down from when you last saw me. You'd be so happy. I remember getting up early before school every day to exercise at your house. That was good bonding time. Even if mom did make me drink grapefruit juice because it was supposed to help me. That junk was nasty. But anyways, I wish I could see you again...the way you were before you got sick. I miss you. I love you. I hope you got to where you need to be. And if that's the case, I hope I see you again some day.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 10: Someone You Don't Talk To As Much As You'd Like To

Dear Class of 2009,

Sadly, I only get to see a very few of you often. I wish I could see you all. I miss you guys. All of you for some reason or another. Some of you made the last 4 years of high school absolutely amazing..some of you I've known since that first day of Kindergarten. Not seeing you guys now, every day, like I did for 13 years with some of you is so strange to me. It's so weird going to a restaurant or just out in public and not knowing what to say to you. Like..what do you talk about to someone you haven't even spoken to in 2 years. It's so sad. Especially when some of you were some of the greatest friends I've had. Anyways, I really hope we can get in touch again. Most of you have my number. If not, ask for it, because I'd like to become friends again! (:


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 9: Someone I Wish I Could Meet

Dear Johnny Depp, (lol)

You are my favorite actor on the face of the Earth! No matter what role you play, you bring it to life perfectly. The first movie I ever really paid attention to you in was Pirates of the Carribean...and I think it kinda changed my life. haha. Every since then my goal has to been to watch and own all of your movies. I just love them so much. Ah, yes, my love of your acting borders obsession. It may have actually been an obsession at one point but I'm not near as bad as I used to be. Anywho, I would love to meet you..even if I would probably cry and pass out at the sight of you. lol


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 8: My Favorite Internet Friend

Dear Michelle Case,

I'd have to say you're my favorite internet friend. You are always so sweet to me and leaving nice comments on my pictures on Facebook. lol You make me feel very good about myself. You really make me feel like I'm beautiful and a good person. I think you are one of the coolest women I've ever met! Even if you did steal my crops on Treasure Island. bahaha. You're beautiful and have such an amazing personality...the only thing I would change about knowing you is that I would see you more often! But it's kinda hard to head all the way to Atlanta when I need a Michelle fix! lol You definitely need to come see us at Brown's Chapel sometime!

I love you!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 7: My Dreams

Since this can go 2 ways, like real dreams or dreams for my life, I'll address both of them

Dear Dreams,

When I get to see you on some of those nights (the good dreams), I wish it'd never end. I seriously wish I could record you and watch you again later on...just to see what really happened. I wonder if you're trying to tell me something. Maybe the Lord's way of letting us know how our lives are going to work out or something. I wish I knew. As long as you are good, and not considered a nightmare, I can't wait to see you later on. Maybe tonight! (: haha.

As for the dreams for my life....I sure wish you would happen now. I am not known for my patience I don't guess, so I can't wait for my dreams to work out. The Holyghost, Falling in love, Marriage, Children, a happy life in general...those are my dreams. And I pray that one day, you will finally happen for me.


Oh and if you didn't know, I have another blog called April's Year in Photos where I use one picture from my day. every day. for a year. Yeah. lol So you should probably check that out and you can follow me there too! (:

Great weekend again (:

Friday Night
was Brett's college graduation party! So we all headed to Trenton's church lunchroom to eat pizza and join in the festivities. There were so many people there and it was SO hot! But fun seeing everyone and hanging out! Me, Shelby, Bailey, Ross and JK decided to take a little adventure to the Mickey Dee's...and we ended up going on the rollercoaster road!!! (: (A bunch of really big, steep and really fun hills!)

My best friend still takes better pics than me...even with the DualView camera!

One of my best friends in the entire world, Shaun (:

Shelby wanted to creep on our picture, so we took it again. lol

Ross and the infamous "Ross Pose"

Shelby- "I've never been able to light a lighter..."
*lights lighter*
Makes ^that^ face! haha

Mickey D's run (:  

What's happening you may ask?
Well don't. lol

Ross and Shelby trying to be Aragakis. haha

Saturday Night

After church, Aly, Sis. Pam, Me and Blake all met to eat at Lalito's and were soon met by Brett, Erik and Britney (: We then all headed to Aly's house where Layton and Shaun joined us to play some Rook and Michael Jackson Experience! 
*Side story* Bailey stayed the night at Brett's house with all of us Friday night after the graduation party and accidentally left her precious Eeyore there! So since we were going to Toney Sunday, Brett brought Eeyore to us to give back to Bailey. Since we had him, we decided to let him have a little fun...

I fed him Mexican food... 

Erik taught him the Asian art of pouting...

Blake let him drive for the first time...

Blake taught him how to play shuffle board...

Aly taught him how to play Rook..

And gave him his first kiss...

He was a little wore out...

So Shaun let him rest on his shoulders...

Brett and Aly taught him how to play the Michael Jackson Experience game...

And I finally got him to my home with Bailey's Christmas present and that's where he slept throughout the night as he waited to get home to his mommy. (:

Sunday Night

Sunday night we met people from Trenton and Higdon at the Pizza Hut in Trenton to eat! And had a great time hanging with our friends yet again (:

Shelby is such a creeper. haha

How cute is this?! (:
Layton is a tard. He didn't want to be taller than Brett!
I think it's adorable!

Bfffaemamau was up all night at the hospital with her grandmother Saturday night. Slept all day Sunday and just woke up in time to meet us to eat!

Layton and Shelby creeping BIG TIME on Lex and Hunter's pic that they weren't ready for. haha

Now Blake, Shelby, and Hunter are creeping on me and Ashlen!

I never really realized how much taller my brother is than me until now. 
I'm like a midget.

Creepers, creepers, EVERYWHERE.

Hope with her favorite person...
and Blake with one of his as well. (:

My best friend!

Gina and Jamie (:
How sweet!

The most gorgeous baby boy I've probably ever seen, Ayden (:
I love him so much!

Needless to say, the weekend, once again, was pretty much AMAZING. I love my friends so much. (:

Day 6:

Dear Stranger,

Well since I don't know you, I don't know a whole lot of what to say. I just hope your entire life continues to work out the best way for you. May you have a long and happy life! Good luck in all your endeavors and maybe I'll meet you someday! (:


Day 5: Ex-Crush

To: Ex-Crush

Well what can I say? You broke my heart. Led me on for 2 years and married the girl you said you wanted to break up with for me. Pretty lame I must say. I see how you still look at me on those random and seldom times we do see each other. I wonder if you wish things had worked out differently...I know you do have things that are going well for you now, and although you hurt me terribly, I hope everything continues to work out. I hope you're happy. Cause I sure plan to be.


Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 4: Your Sibling

Dear Blake,

Okay, everyone who knows us, knows we fight like cats and dogs. We can hardly make it through a car ride without some kind of disagreement. But although we do argue a lot, when we are nice, we are really nice. haha. You're one person I know I can talk to and you'll help me. You'll be completely honest and give me the best advice you can. I know you don't want me to get hurt with guys and things, and that's the reason you act like you do sometimes, but it's just a part of life. You live, you learn. You know what they say, Better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. One day I believe we'll both meet and marry the person of our dreams and be totally happy. I know that's something we both have always wanted. I hope you know you can come to me when you need someone to talk to. I'll always be here for you.

I love you Bubba,

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 3: Your Parents

Dear Mom and Dad,

I know you probably think I don't at times, and that I'm such a pain, but I love you so much. I know that I have the best parents a girl could ask for and I don't take you for granted. You mean so much to me and I know I should do better to show you that. You've helped me so much through my life. You've taught me right from wrong, fed me, sheltered me and loved me. I couldn't ask for more. I don't know what I would have done without you, or what I would do if you had to leave me for some reason now. I'd be lost. Who would I fuss with constantly because he's so protective (but secretly love that he cares that much..)? Who would I talk to about anything from the Lord to guys with (and know that she knows best...)? I love you both unconditionally and always will. I know this doesn't hold a candle to how you feel about me and Blake...I hope one day I can try to begin to pay you back for all you've done for'll be impossible, yes.. but I would love to try.

Your daughter,

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 2: Your Crush

Dear (crush),

I want you to know that I think you're one of the most amazing guys I've ever met. I've never met a person who has said a bad thing about you. You're so sweet and have a way of encouraging me that no one else really can. With only a few words, you speak volumes. As corny as it may sound, I want to be the best person I can be when you're around. I know I am not the most outgoing nor the most beautiful person you could be with, but I know we have fun together and I know I can make you happy if given the chance. I believe any girl would be so lucky to be called yours at any time in their life. I hope one day I will have that privilege. I care deeply for you and no matter what, I want you to be happy as much as I want to be happy myself one day. I hope the Lord works both of our lives out for the best one day...and I believe He will.


Day 1: Best Friend(s)

Dear best friend(s) *you know who you are*,

You have been there for me through so much..(all of you for different things.) I can only hope that I have been there for you a fraction of the times. I hope you know that any time you need advice, need to talk, or just someone to listen... I'm never too busy. I believe you already know all least it's something I've tried hard to convey. I won't judge you or mistreat you in any way...whatever you need, I'll be here for you...just like the song says (haha) and don't you dare forget it! (;

Love always,

So I think I'm gonna try and do this...

Write a letter to:
Day 1 — Your Best Friend
Day 2 — Your Crush
Day 3 — Your parents
Day 4 — Your sibling (or closest relative)
Day 5 — Your EX-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush
Day 6 — A stranger
Day 7 — Your dreams
Day 8 — Your favorite internet friend
Day 9 — Someone you wish you could meet
Day 10 — Someone you don't talk to as much as you'd like to
Day 11 — A Deceased person you wish you could talk to
Day 12 — The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain
Day 13 — Someone you wish could forgive you
Day 14 — Someone you've drifted away from
Day 15 — The person you miss the most
Day 16 — Someone that's not in your state/country
Day 17 — Someone from your childhood
Day 18 — The person that you wish you could be
Day 19 — Someone that pesters your mind—good or bad
Day 20 — The one that broke your heart the hardest
Day 21 — Someone you judged by their first impression
Day 22 — Someone you want to give a second chance to
Day 23 — The last person you kissed
Day 24 — The person that gave you your favorite memory
Day 25 — The person you know that is going through the worst of times
Day 26 — The last person you made a pinky promise to.
Day 27 — The friendliest person you knew for only one day
Day 28 — Someone that changed your life
Day 29 — The person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to.
Day 30 — Your reflection in the mirror

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


is the weirdest and coolest movie I have seen in a long time. I just thought I'd throw that out there. If you like mind's definitely the movie for you. haha.

Today I babysat Ally for the first time since the Snowpocolypse and she was sooo sweet!
Well...not at first. lol When she first walked in the living room after she woke up she took one look at me, teared up, and yelled "I want my mommy!" and ran back to her room. I didn't really know what to do...she usually doesn't have that reaction towards me. But I attribute it to the fact that because of all the snow, she's seen a lot of her mom and she wasn't really expecting to see me instead. But after I explained to her that mommy was at work and Lane was at school, she calmed down and proclaimed "I want a poptart." lol So it was all good. Later on we were playing with Play Doh, cooking purple "pizza" and "cookies", and she looked at me and said "Miss April, I like you." and hugged me. Made.My.Day. I thought it was so cute! And then again, later, she topped it by saying "I love you, Miss April." I love this age. (:

 Going through my mini purses that are inside my big purse...haha
She found my peppermints and was like "yumm!" haha
 Not even 3 yet and knows how to use an eyelash curler. haha
 She took these 2 pics of me.
She was excited that I let her play with my camera! haha

Sunday, January 16, 2011

My babies (:

So we got a surprise visit from our babies, Madyson and Elissa Friday and I'm finally gonna put the pics up from that...except for pics of me cause I look pretty jank (I had just woke up).

 Baby Elissa (:

 Steph and babygirl

 I love her eyebrow! She learned from the best (:
 The girls (:
Daddy with the babies

I went to the River today but I sadly forgot to get pics and also missed our amazing snowball fight with old snowmen on Britney and JK's lawn...that would have made a great video. lol