Monday, January 24, 2011

Great weekend again (:

Friday Night
was Brett's college graduation party! So we all headed to Trenton's church lunchroom to eat pizza and join in the festivities. There were so many people there and it was SO hot! But fun seeing everyone and hanging out! Me, Shelby, Bailey, Ross and JK decided to take a little adventure to the Mickey Dee's...and we ended up going on the rollercoaster road!!! (: (A bunch of really big, steep and really fun hills!)

My best friend still takes better pics than me...even with the DualView camera!

One of my best friends in the entire world, Shaun (:

Shelby wanted to creep on our picture, so we took it again. lol

Ross and the infamous "Ross Pose"

Shelby- "I've never been able to light a lighter..."
*lights lighter*
Makes ^that^ face! haha

Mickey D's run (:  

What's happening you may ask?
Well don't. lol

Ross and Shelby trying to be Aragakis. haha

Saturday Night

After church, Aly, Sis. Pam, Me and Blake all met to eat at Lalito's and were soon met by Brett, Erik and Britney (: We then all headed to Aly's house where Layton and Shaun joined us to play some Rook and Michael Jackson Experience! 
*Side story* Bailey stayed the night at Brett's house with all of us Friday night after the graduation party and accidentally left her precious Eeyore there! So since we were going to Toney Sunday, Brett brought Eeyore to us to give back to Bailey. Since we had him, we decided to let him have a little fun...

I fed him Mexican food... 

Erik taught him the Asian art of pouting...

Blake let him drive for the first time...

Blake taught him how to play shuffle board...

Aly taught him how to play Rook..

And gave him his first kiss...

He was a little wore out...

So Shaun let him rest on his shoulders...

Brett and Aly taught him how to play the Michael Jackson Experience game...

And I finally got him to my home with Bailey's Christmas present and that's where he slept throughout the night as he waited to get home to his mommy. (:

Sunday Night

Sunday night we met people from Trenton and Higdon at the Pizza Hut in Trenton to eat! And had a great time hanging with our friends yet again (:

Shelby is such a creeper. haha

How cute is this?! (:
Layton is a tard. He didn't want to be taller than Brett!
I think it's adorable!

Bfffaemamau was up all night at the hospital with her grandmother Saturday night. Slept all day Sunday and just woke up in time to meet us to eat!

Layton and Shelby creeping BIG TIME on Lex and Hunter's pic that they weren't ready for. haha

Now Blake, Shelby, and Hunter are creeping on me and Ashlen!

I never really realized how much taller my brother is than me until now. 
I'm like a midget.

Creepers, creepers, EVERYWHERE.

Hope with her favorite person...
and Blake with one of his as well. (:

My best friend!

Gina and Jamie (:
How sweet!

The most gorgeous baby boy I've probably ever seen, Ayden (:
I love him so much!

Needless to say, the weekend, once again, was pretty much AMAZING. I love my friends so much. (:

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