Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 10: Someone You Don't Talk To As Much As You'd Like To

Dear Class of 2009,

Sadly, I only get to see a very few of you often. I wish I could see you all. I miss you guys. All of you for some reason or another. Some of you made the last 4 years of high school absolutely amazing..some of you I've known since that first day of Kindergarten. Not seeing you guys now, every day, like I did for 13 years with some of you is so strange to me. It's so weird going to a restaurant or just out in public and not knowing what to say to you. Like..what do you talk about to someone you haven't even spoken to in 2 years. It's so sad. Especially when some of you were some of the greatest friends I've had. Anyways, I really hope we can get in touch again. Most of you have my number. If not, ask for it, because I'd like to become friends again! (:


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